Amit Gupta
My name’s Amit, and The Big Bang Optics is my astronomy blog.
The night sky first grabbed my attention as a child when a family friend pointed out the Orion constellation to me. These days I enjoy observing the night sky through my refractor and discussing the cosmos with my amateur astronomer friends.

Chandrashekhara Rao
I grew up in a rural community with a dark sky, and that is where I learned to appreciate planets and stars at an early age. I have been fascinated with all things astronomical since I was a kid and started with a cheap-and-cheerful 60mm refractor on a wobbly tripod.

Kavya Joshi
My love affair with space began in a field in India at the age of 7, when I looked up at the Milky Way for the first time. Ever since, I have been attempting to cram in every fact about the Universe, I can find into my head.
Prakash Chandra
I am a science and technology enthusiast who is curious about emerging concepts in spaceflight, aerospace, and robotics. My passion for astronomy started in my childhood, and my craze for writing started when my works got published in my school's newspaper.
Jason Parnell
At 15, I sold my bike to buy my first telescope. I spent the next 3 years sketching as many Messier objects as I could find from my garden, then at the age of 18, I discovered beer. I have wandered through California's Mojave Desert with other amateur astronomers in search of the best stargazing experience.